Drinking water and shed climate check
The annual shed climate and drinking water check is one of the obligatory essential requirements of the Initiative Tierwohl for pig farmers. The check is carried out by specially trained experts.
Become an inspector:

Shed climate experts or drinking water samplers must have the required expertise. In addition, for shed climate checks for pigs, the inspector must complete a training course before they can be approved. People with the required qualifications can then register with us. To do this, you must send us the completed registration form and, if applicable, the required training certificate. Once the shed climate expert or drinking water sampler has been added to our official list they can start working.
You can find all the documents you need here:
Being an inspector:
The livestock owners that participate in the Initiative Tierwohl can use the list to decide who they want to carry out the checks, get in touch with that person and commission them. One of our inspectors is Dr. Rainer Schneichel. Here he reveals what his job as a shed climate inspector looks like.
An insight into the practice: Three questions for veterinarian and shed climate inspector Dr. Schneichel

Dr. Rainer Schneichel is a veterinarian from Mayen in Rhineland-Palatinate and spends every day out and about visiting livestock farms. In addition, he verifies the shed climate and quality of the drinking water on farms for the Initiative. Farms must have these checks carried out once a year, as a good shed climate and drinking water quality are of great importance when it comes to ensuring the health of the animals.